Author: pencannon

Articulating Complex Financial Services

Touchstone Retirement Group (TRG) provides a variety of services to help businesses manage their employee retirement plans. Managing retirement plans is a full-time, complex operation – one that many businesses would rather outsource. As TRG looked to develop a suite of marketing collateral, one of their struggles was finding someone who could single-handedly articulate and […]

Content Strategy and Development for a Creative Agency

Porchlight has had an on-again, off-again relationship with its blog. The source of that tug of war has always been prioritization. To be clear, there’s no shortage of expertise at this creative agency, which specializes in the home improvement industry. Rather there’s simply a shortage of content creation. As with many small agencies, client work […]

Capturing Healthcare Consulting on Screen

While at DHG Healthcare, I was fortunate to work with an amazing team of consultants who specialized in the complex and changing healthcare industry. These talented people consisted of MBAs, CPAs and medical professionals, all of whom were incredibly passionate and remarkably patient. They were always willing to take time to explain the intricacies of healthcare […]